Saturday, 14 July 2018

1980s shortwave sounds - part 8

Here are some more shortwave (plus a medium wave station) stations from the past including Radio
Pyongyang, Deutschlandfunk and the International Committee of the Red Cross, which used SWiss Radio Int's transmitters. Bizim Radio was a Turkish clandestine.

Radio Pyongyang, North Korea - sign on, sign off
WWVH, Hawaii - address
Deutschlandfunk English service, West Germany - sign on, sign off
Italian Radio & Television Service - sign on
Radio Japan - sign on
Voice of Malaysia - sign off
Radio Afghanistan - sign off
United Arab Emirates Radio - test transmission
Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran - sign off
Red Cross Broadcasting Service, Switzerland - sign on, address
Radio Prague, Czechoslovakia - interprogramme IDs
Voice of Nigeria - ID
Bizim Radio (clandestine) - sign on
Radio New Zealand - sign off

(18:36 mins)

Here's the link: