Saturday, 30 June 2018

1980s shortwave sounds - part 7

This collection of shortwave sounds from the past includes World Music Radio, relayed by Radio Andorra - WMR recently returned to the shortwave with non-stop music programmes via a transmitter in Denmark; Radio Australia signing on its broadcasts to the UK, Radio Denmark - which was no longer broadcasting in English but still made English announcements.

Radio Clarin, Dominican Republic - ID
World Music Radio via Radio Andorra - sign off
Trans World Radio, Guam  - sign on
Radio Australia - frequency announcements
Radio Pakistan - sign on and sign off
Radio Lebanon - sign off
Adventist World Radio - sign off
World Music Radio - sign on
Radio Minsk, Belarus - sign on, address
Radio Riga, Latvia - sign on
Radio Denmark - interval signal and English announcements

(14:33 minutes)

Here's the link

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

1980s shortwave sounds - part 6

Welcome to some more shortwave radio recordings from the 80s. Among the clips featured include HCJB and the theme music for their popular DX Party Line show, Radio Afghanistan - putting in a good signal thanks to relays from the USSR (which had invaded the country in 1979) - and Radio Moscow asking for listeners to get involved in their programmes.

Radio Algiers: Sign off
Radio Sweden: Sign on and off
Radio Habana Cuba: Address
HCJB, Ecuador: Address, ID, DX Party Line theme
Radio Moscow North American service: Sign on (using 14 frequencies!)
Voice of Turkey: Sign on and off
Radio Afghanistan: Sign on to Europe
Voice of Free China, Taiwan: ID, address
Radio Dushanbe, Tajikistan: Sign on
Radio France Int English service: Address, sign off
Voice of Vietnam - sign on, address, sign off
Radio Moscow World Service: Listener participation request
Radio Nacional Brasil: Sign on

(22:43 mins)

Here is the link: